Рубрика «Медицина»

Учебная работа. Ukrainian break-through in the European and World strategy of individual prophylaxis of an ischemic stroke in patients with arterial hypertension

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Учебная работа. Ukrainian break-through in the European and World strategy of individual prophylaxis of an ischemic stroke in patients with arterial hypertension Ukrainian break-through in the European and World strategy of individual prophylaxis of an ischemic stroke in patients with arterial hypertension Tolstopyatov S.M. Today without new laboratory technology and new tactics of individual primary …

Учебная работа. Morphological changes of pseudoerosion

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Учебная работа. Morphological changes of pseudoerosion Morphological changes of pseudoerosion Department — Patological anatomy Supervisor of studies — candidate of medical science Darjanova K.B., Yermenova K.K. West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University K.K.Bekova Aktobe city, Republic of Kazakhstan Significance The pseudoerosion of neck of uterus is one of frequent a disease among diseases of …

Учебная работа. Microchips in medicine

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Учебная работа. Microchips in medicine Moscow Medicine Academy Essay: « Microchips in medicine » 2 year student group 1 Faculty of military training Kadulina Ann Tutor: Karagezyan M. V. Moscow, 2010 Contents Introdaction Microchips in medicine Control the doctors’ prescriptions Microchip in Blood Pressure Pills Nags Patients Who Skip Meds Microchip implants linked to cancer …